Friday, February 4, 2011

Herbs, Day 32

El Paso has been hit by uncharacteristically LOW temperatures... and I fear for my herbs. It got down to about 30 degrees INSIDE my apartment! This is a picture of the herbs that I took yesterday. As you can see - everything has finally sprouted, but the extreme cold seems to have caused the plants to start to fade a bit. My apartment is back up to a bearable temperature and I think it looks like the herbs are starting to bounce back a little. Before the "indoor frost" it looked like the sage (far left) was ready to be transplanted. I'm going to give it a little extra time to recooperate before I try to transplant it.
I'm a little concerned about the oregano and basil. The basil (in the middle) looks really bad, I don't think it will make it. The oregano (far right) looks bad. The stems aren't very strong and several of the plants are practically on thier side, not sure what to do. I guess I'll just keep nursing them to see if they'll rebound.