Friday, April 15, 2011

Herbs are Growing!!!

The herbs are looking good! It took longer for the parsley (second from left) to sprout, but they've finally poked thier heads out! Only one sage plant has sprouted, but I still have a few sage plants from my last attempt at an herb garden. I think that it's getting close to being time to transplant or harden some of these - especially the cilantor (second from right) and basil (middle).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Herbs... again

Planted herbs on Sunday (April 3) and they've already sprouted! The sage is just barely poking its head out... but the basil and oregano are on their way!!!

We'll see how it goes this time... hopefully no frost!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Compostable Bottle Experiment

I was at the airport a couple of weekends ago and I had the opportunity to be 'eco' without thinking about it! I got a compostable water bottle. So... I put it in my compost on Sunday (April 2nd). I'm moving in July... so we'll see how this looks when I move! I'm curious!!