I started much like I started the last compost - a little bit of old dirt, corn cobs, and some other veggie peelings.
Looks like a good start, right? That's what I thought. I covered it and put it out on patio to keep adding stuff to it for a few weeks. I added some more veggie peels the next night, under the cover of darkness. I didn't get a good look in the bucket but I did notice a smell...
The next day I opened up the bucket and:
There was a giant white fuzz attacking my compost! As a modern girl, I googled 'white fuzzy mold'. One website suggested that heat might kill this white fuzzy mold... so I left the compost alone out on the patio in the August desert heat.... and well, it's still there. I called my dad today (better than google) and he suggested that I just continue to rotate my compost and the heat should kill the mold. So I rotated the compost today and now we shall see I suppose. I also ordered a used copy of The Rodale Book of Composting in the hopes that I will be able to read up on this mold and understand it better (and thus, never see it again).
I'm dying to know...what happened with the white fuzz after rolling it around more?