Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WTF!?! (What the FUZZ!?!)

After using my summer compost to plant some new seeds, I decided to start a second bucket of compost (I have a little of the old compost left so I can plant a second batch of spinach a few weeks after the first batch). I drilled holes into another paint bucket lid (though I didn't drill holes in the side of this bucket - it gets a little messy when you role the bucket, though it's not too bad).

I started much like I started the last compost - a little bit of old dirt, corn cobs, and some other veggie peelings.

Looks like a good start, right? That's what I thought. I covered it and put it out on patio to keep adding stuff to it for a few weeks. I added some more veggie peels the next night, under the cover of darkness. I didn't get a good look in the bucket but I did notice a smell...

The next day I opened up the bucket and:

There was a giant white fuzz attacking my compost! As a modern girl, I googled 'white fuzzy mold'. One website suggested that heat might kill this white fuzzy mold... so I left the compost alone out on the patio in the August desert heat.... and well, it's still there. I called my dad today (better than google) and he suggested that I just continue to rotate my compost and the heat should kill the mold. So I rotated the compost today and now we shall see I suppose. I also ordered a used copy of The Rodale Book of Composting in the hopes that I will be able to read up on this mold and understand it better (and thus, never see it again).

1 comment:

  1. I'm dying to know...what happened with the white fuzz after rolling it around more?
